Privacy Policy

We realize the importance of your personal information. We believe that the privacy policy that you submit to Runnercart via the internet will be treated with the utmost care.

By personal information that stores can access This is information obtained from your membership registration as follows.

  • First name Last name
  • telephone number
  • Email
  • address
  • Date of birth

The reason that Runnercart collects this information is for use in delivering products and presenting promotional activities to you. For the duration of storing this information, Runnercart stores the information securely until you wish to delete or correct your personal information. This information can be edited via the Account page after logging in. In the case where you want to delete data, you can notify Runnercart's admin to delete the data immediately ( click the link ).

This is the personal information that you have provided or used through computer processing. that controls the work of All, you accept and agree that they are the rights and property of Runnercart, which the company will provide the best protection for such secrets In addition, if your related information Whether it is general information Or personal information has been stolen via computer, lost, or damaged which is not the fault of this website. The company reserves the right to deny any liability resulting from such actions.

Although acknowledging your use of the service will play an important role in the presentation Content and advertisements that are appropriate for you, but Runnercart will not publish such information. to third parties without your consent Please note that user demographic information at this Runnercart website may be disclosed to Runnercart's advertisers or partners in the future regarding general financial services. or information related to the use of services from this website This does not include personal information that can identify individual users of the service.

The company has used 'cookies' technology 'Cookies' to use on this website. to help collect statistical data A cookie is a small piece of data that a website uses to record on a client's computer. Cookies help evaluate statistical information for number of visits Accessing information from various pages and duration of visit All of which is standard statistical data. Cookies cannot be used to collect information from Machine memory or information about email or your other personal information.

From time to time, Runnercart will send emails. To notify information that may be useful and interesting to you About products, services, promotions and various offers Via your email address that you have provided. While registering You will be given the right to opt out of receiving any news. via email as well

Information you provide at this website May be shared with Runnercart partner companies for fulfillment purposes. and present information that interests you about products, services, promotions, and other offers For your own benefit

Financial Personal Data Policy

Maintaining the confidentiality of personal financial information As with all personal data, this is extremely important to Runnercart. Therefore, personal financial information can only be retrieved from the relevant bank. In other words, Runnercart will not be able to search for information related to personal financial information. Moreover, it is an extremely important policy for Runnercart not to rent or sell. Your personal financial information to any other person or organization.

Store information